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Getting started with Figma for GitHub.
Screenshot of the Primer profile within the Figma community
Primer is a part of the Figma community and can be found using its Figma handle of @primer

Design teams at GitHub use Figma as the single source of truth, collaboration, and exploration. Access to the GitHub Figma organization is currently only available to members of the GitHub team. Public access to any shared libraries and files is available from the Primer Figma Community page.

Team libraries

GitHub's uses Figma to distribute Primer through team libraries. Each library covers a different part of the system, allowing a designer to only use what's needed. Any team within GitHub's Figma organization can create and distribute their own team/project specific libraries, but all of the core asset libraries for Primer can be found in the Primer team's "Core libraries (internal)" project or the primer community page. They include the following:

Interface templates

screenshot of repo home page and email template
Example templates from Primer Interfaces and Primer Email

In addition to asset libraries for components and styles, you can also use template libraries to jump-start the design process.

  • Primer Interfaces: Templates for common views and UI patterns found within GitHub's web product.
  • Primer Email: Templates used to design product emails for GitHub.


GitHub's Figma organization is currently maintained by GitHub's Design Infrastructure team. For any questions or comments please reach out to us either in our Slack #primer-figma channel or by submitting an issue in the github/primer repo.

For additional support specific to Figma, please reference the Figma Help Center.